Common Law, Constitutional, Financial, Globalist, Military


We all know that the bankers are running the politics show – globally.

We are also aware that they are funding ‘conflict’ as an enormous profit machine.

Writing ‘None of the above‘ on your local ballot sheet will simply get it screwed up and thrown in the waste bin, whereas, if you ARE attending, writing (IN INK) across the ballot sheet – diagonally across all the names – I DO NOT CONSENT will mean that those sheets have to be counted and recorded.

It’s clear that, as my colleague said recently, “Whatever colour party you vote for, the government always gets in” and therefore, ask your local candidate, the question:

What percentage of GDP will your party be contributing to the many Crown-condoned war efforts around the world”?

We recommend that you take stock of what is being discussed on this site:

that is, if it doesn’t get blocked in pretty short order..

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