
Environmental, Medical, Spiritual

Truth still setting us free..

Some good news!   This is Foster Gamble who you may know from the Thrive movement.  He reports on how Tennessee have passed a bill forbidding chemtrails, the adding of mRNA vaccines into food, banning biological men in women’s sports and brought in David Webb to address the state government on how to avoid ‘The Great Taking’ legislation in their state which is about how to prevent banks taking your money in the event of a default.  David Webb revealed how the legislation is already in place for banks to take all our money (as happened in Cyprus a few years ago).   Anyway, there was heavy voting against it and other states are following.  In Louisianna, they’ve passed a bill to stop the WHO pandemic treaty and in Florida they’ve halted the covid vaccines.  He goes on to say how this is all an example of a bigger movement of humanity taking back their power against tyranny.   It’s happening in various places, though if you only watch mainstream news you’d never know.

There was a report out today (Sunday 14th) by Dr. John Campbell about studies from Japan, who have some of the most meticulous studies available and on a huge population (over 200 million), that point to harm from the covid vax.  So, it’s all coming to the surface and hopefully, in time to prevent the tyrants from releasing the next pandemic or the big cyber-attack.  

With a hat-tip to GP for this heartening information

Active, Autobiographical, Entertainment, Financial, Media

New ‘poste-restante’ address

The ‘enemy’ is becoming ever more controlling, and with the ‘heads-up’ information hinting that this year (2024) will see a global ‘cyber’ disturbance, we suggest we all set up a ‘poste restante’ address in our towns and cities.

Those of us who are ready to step away completely from Crown corporate control will be able to get help here, and once having gotten free, can be working with us to find an ‘admin hub’ for each county in England – for starters.

If you feel you can work with us, please respond by snail-mail to the above address – and give us a postal address to contact you. We do use email and phone, but always be aware that, to quote Jerome Corsi (qv on Wikipedia):

“every keystroke we make, be it on laptop, mobile phone or whatever, your

   data is constantly harvested to create a digital ‘Doppelgänger’ for each of us.”

We have extensive papers ready, showing clearly the way forward from

‘illegal Crown corporate entrapment under a maritime statutory

legislation into lawful liberty under a natural, divine common law’.

Sent without wax in peace and love from

                                                                             :grant-andrew                                                                              livingstone in the

                                                                             family smith

Commercial, Education, Entertainment, Financial

Ten Maxims of Commercial Statute

We are currently snared inside a snake-pit of obfuscation. There is a pressing need for us to remain clear on the fundamental difference between natural, divine law and the fake, statutory legislation – which latter exists only to feed the insatiable appetite of the enemy [cf: 1 Tim 6:10]. For now, whilst we exist in their system; these are some guidelines to help us survive until we have the Truth in control again.

The Ten Maxims of Commercial ‘Statute’

  1. A workman is worthy of his hire
  2. All are equal under statute law, as under the natural, divine Law
  3. In commerce, as in life, truth is sovereign
  4. Truth is expressed in the form of an affidavit
  5. An unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce
  6. An unrebutted affidavit becomes judgment in commerce
  7. A matter must be expressed to be resolved
  8. (S)he who leaves the field of battle first loses by default
  9. Sacrifice is the measure of credibility
  10. A lien or claim can be satisfied only through a) rebuttal or b) counter-affidavit point by point resolution by a jury or c) payment

Active, Commercial, Common Law, Education, Financial, Spiritual

You won’t hear this from MSM…

When the power of this righteous action sinks into our woefully pre-conditioned heads, there is only one aspect of our living being that we need to mend – drop the fear. As usual, we have put a pdf copy of this information at the end of the post – just in case anyone else needs to know about it…


On Tuesday December 25 2012, the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT) announced the foreclosure of the world’s commercial banks and ‘governments’ stemming from prior investigation into massive fraud across the entire system.

What happened?

The OPPT posited to the world’s banks and governments:

  1. that they had, by deceptive acts and practices, been stealing from the people for hundreds of years, that
  2. nothing stood between the Creator and each of the Creator’s creations,

and gave due opportunity for the rebuttal of both these statements

They could not and did not rebut.

To grasp this fully, please read the Declaration of Facts at> UCC Filings > 2012  > Declaration of Facts.

Here are two excerpts:

Government Charters Cancelled: (Refer: DECLARATION OF FACTS: UCC Doc # 2012127914 Nov 28 2012)

“…that any and all charters , inclusive of the United States Federal Government, UNITED STATES, “STATE of ….”,inclusive of any and all abbreviations, idem sonans, or other legal, financial or managerial forms, any and all international equivalents, inclusive of any and all OFFICES, inclusive of any and all OFFICERS, PUBLIC SERVANTS, EXECUTIVE ORDERS, TREATIES, CONSTITUTIONS, MEMBERSHIP, ACTS, and any and all other contracts and agreements made thereunder and thereby, are now void, worthless or otherwise cancelled, unrebutted,…”

Bank Charters Cancelled:    (Refer TRUE BILL: W DC UCC Doc# 2012114776 Oct 24 2012)

“Declared and ordered irrevocably cancelled: any and all charters for Bank of International Settlements (BIS) members thereto and thereof including all beneficiaries, including all states of body owning, operating aiding and abetting private money systems, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS… commandeering lawful value by means of unlawful representation…”

Orders to Cease and Desist:

Attention is drawn to DECLARATION AND ORDER: UCC Doc. # 2012096074 Sep 09 2012 duly reconfirmed and ratified by COMMERCIAL BILL UCC Doc. 2012114586 and TRUE BILL UCC Doc. No. 2012 114776, which states:

Volunteers within the military… “ to arrest and take into custody any and all certain states of body, their agents, officers, and other actors, regardless of domicil by choice, owning, operating, aiding and abetting private money systems, issuing, collection. legal enforcement systems, operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS against the several states’ citizens…” and “Repossess all private money systems, tracking, transferring, issuing, collection, legal enforcement systems operating SLAVERY SYSTEMS…”

“… all beings of the creator shall forthwith assist all Public Servants identified herein, to implement, protect, preserve and complete this ORDER bay all means of the creator and the created as stated herein, by, with and under your full personal liability…”

Search document numbers listed at the Washington CD UCC Registry:

What does this mean to you?

Are you paying a ‘debt’ to a foreclosed entity…? e.g. mortgage, credit card, car loan?

OPPT has foreclosed on hierarchy. No-one stands between you and your creator…not even ‘Crown government’.

Because a CEASE AND DESIST order exists, you are free to offer terms and conditions to individuals who are acting on behalf of a foreclosed Bank or ‘government’, by issuing a Courtesy Notice.

What does this mean to Banks & ‘governments’?

All beings now act in the capacity of individual entities without a corporate safety net and with full personal liability for each and EVERY ACTION THEY TAKE under common law, protected and preserved by public policy UCC 1-103 and Universal Law, which is the governing law laid out in the OPPT UCC filings. (Refer: WA DC UCC Ref Doc. # 2012113593)

Should any individual pursue any actions on behalf of a foreclosed Bank or ‘government’, causing another individual any damage as herein described,

they in their individual and unlimited capacity are absolutely liable. Such actions may result in the receipt of a Courtesy Notice.

Courtesy Notice

The Courtesy Notice contains the information of this document and offers terms and conditions for future dealings.

Whereas Banks and ‘governments’ have been foreclosed worldwide…Acts, Statutes, Codes, Courts, Executive Orders etc were thereby foreclosed, thus, without a lawfully binding contract – individual to individual – no instrument exists to compel performance.

The Courtesy Notice offers new terms to any individual within a foreclosed entity for their acceptance and the method of acceptance is clearly defined.

Many thousands of individuals have downloaded and issued Courtesy Notices worldwide following this action by the OPPT in February 2013. See

What is the UCC?  Where and to whom does it apply?

The Uniform Commercial Code is the ‘bible’ of commerce and it is used worldwide, although sometimes in disguise. UCC is not taught in law schools: it is, however, used in high-level banking and ‘government’ corporations. Accordingly, most lawyers, attorneys and magistrates know very little about the UCC and may argue that is has no application.

  1. Executive Order 13037 dated 4 Mar 1997 defined ‘humans’ as ‘capital’. See:

  • UCC Doc # 0000000181425776 filed 12 Aug 2011 evidences sale of US citizens in transaction between The Federal Reserve System and The United States Department of the Treasury 1789 for $14.3 trillion (linked above)
  • UCC Doc # 2001059388 evidences the template which the Federal Reserve Bank of New York uses to secure the collateral in major banks around the world…including chattel paper, goods and the unborn young of animals (such as unborn boys and girls?). See:

Those who would regard the UCC as irrelevant outside the US are thereby claiming that former funding arrangements with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York are null and void.

Due Diligence

Given the usage of UCC filings in the upper levels of ‘government’ and banks worldwide, due diligence is a necessity. Should there be a dispute, error, or falsity then make and deliver a duly verified sworn DECLARATION OF REBUTTAL to the duly verified, sworn and REGISTERED OPPT DECLARATION OF FACTS, do it point by point, with specificity and particularity, with full responsibility and liability, under penalty of perjury,

citing any statute you identify, that the foregoing is true and accurate, endorsed with your wet-ink signature.

To date, no such rebuttal has ever been registered.

Further Research    Radio shows:

All People Declared Free of Debt  (Refer Notice of Declaration  of Absolute Truth UCC# 2013032035)

The final filing of the OTTP occurred on Monday 18 March 2013. This document terminated all remaining man-made entities and returned all people of this planet to absolute freedom. In that document the creator is referred to as ‘absolute essence’ and all created people are referred to as ‘absolute essence embodied’.

Article VI of the document states… ‘I duly verify, with full responsibility and liability, by DECLARATION OF ORDER.  that eternal essence IS made transparent and known by the DOing of any and all embodiment of eternal essence within the eternal essence’s universe, IS free and free of debt, unrebutted.’


You have no debt… No-one has debt…it is done.

Active, Autobiographical, Commercial, Education, Entertainment, Financial, Spiritual, Tyrannical

How our identity gets stolen

“We are not a political party nor are we a religious cult; we are simply a group of living beings, flesh and blood, spiritually united in heart and soul. We stand as individuals yet built together under a common law, which is shared by all, owned by none and which is superior to any statute. We each have a personal commitment, divinely inspired, to do no harm, to cause no loss to others, to commit no fraud and to keep the peace.”


Reader, if you think this is an odd way to start a message, perhaps that’s because you haven’t yet realized that we are engaged in warfare, in a war of a very different kind. we quote the title of the booklet:

‘SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS’ – ISBN – 978-1-58509-380-9

which is (or was) available online. Without summarising the entire 56 pages, we’ll restrict ourselves to just two revealing quotations (Page 9), attributed to a member of the Rothschild dynasty:

“Give me control over a nation’s currency, and I care not who makes its statutes” (the original uses the word ‘laws’ for statutes)

Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1743 – 1812)

Rothschild knew how to influence and control people and their money. The principle is ‘when you assume the appearance of power, people soon give it to you’.

The Keys to the Safe:

Over the past 18 months, with several trusted co-workers we have come to see how the very few of the extremely wealthy ‘elite’ (78 of them are known and named, all with a common link to the World Economic Forum [WEF] qv on Wikipedia) have, for generations, been manipulating the world’s wealth as part of a strategy to obtain total possession and total control of all of it – and all of us.

From the first registration of birth, infants are each earmarked with a National Insurance number. Their birthweight in gold is used as ‘value to be traded’ as bond-slaves inside the world of commerce. With a few

exceptions it is only as we reach the age of sixteen (16) years that we are even told about that ‘insurance’ number, and then we are expected to start paying, from our sweat equity, our National Insurance contributions – to keep ourselves secure. The many, exploited for the benefit of the few – for profit.

However, our joint efforts have now prised open the door to that vault of Crown ‘government’ secrecy: we know from where that ill-gotten wealth is being controlled and, more importantly, how to identify our right and claim to our individual portion which has been fraudulently used as a TRUST, under our ‘given’ name, (incidentally changed en route into CAPITAL LETTERS). This changed name, which we refer to as our ‘LEGAL FICTION’, is called our ‘Strawman’ by our American cousins.

Our previous document, ‘Legal Entrapment’, explained in detail how all this has been managed for centuries, yet you may be surprised to learn that our personal TRUST has a ‘bank’ account. Let’s take, for example, the name is Norma(n) Jones, then that trust would be identified asNORMA(N) JONES TRUST.

It’s true, our TRUST does have an ‘account’ a sort code and an account number – similar to an everyday bank account.

This should mean then, that our ‘account’ has an International Bank Account Number (that is what IBAN stands for) by which the wealth accumulated over the years in our name, (without either our knowledge or our consent), is being traded in commerce, on a daily basis, in markets worldwide – for more profit – for them – the capitalists.

Here is how we find out our account details and our IBAN number:

  1. Make sure that we have the correct date of registration of our birth, which may be quite a while later than the date of birth itself,.
  2. We go online to the link below:

enter the date of registration of our birth, then set the addition factor to read 15 years and 9 months. Scroll down and press the GREEN button – ‘Calculate new date’.

  • Let’s take an example. Our specimen youth, whose birth was REGIStered on Wednesday 13th October 2004, has the NI number WX 12 34 56 C.
  • From the ‘new’ date which appears in our search, – Monday 13th July 2020 -s/he simply ADDS the last TWO digits of the year shown (20) in front of the 6 digits which s/he already knows from the National Insurance number. (We ignore, for now, the first two LETTERS, and also the last single LETTER, as this last one is always either A,B,C or D,showing which quarter of the financial year the birth was REGIStered). So, we arrive, in our example, at – 04 becoming 20. Her/his account number = 20123456.

Via a well-connected warrior, we know that ALL of these UK-based ‘trust’ accounts are housed under just the one sort code – 08-32-10

Next, we go online to where we enter, in two drop-down ‘boxes’, the sort code 08-32-10 and the full account number which we identified. We see our trust account details come up, and note that the page is headed, in faint grey tone:

Sort Code & Account Number Verification

Underneath this appear the IBAN details for that sort code and ‘account’ number.

MAKE A NOTE OF THIS IBAN NUMBER.  It will look something like this:

GB (Great Britain) – followed by a random 2-digit number – e.g.   17 and this is followed by the letters CITI then the sort code and the account number.

Staying with our example, it will look like this – GB 17 CITI 083210 20123456 and this is how s/he will be able to refer to it in future, although printed without any spaces.

Print off your page and keep it safe.

However, there is a snag: HMRC recently admitted, under Freedom of Information correspondence, that, back in 2015, CITIBANK (qv – American owners) lost the contract to handle this ‘SORT CODE’, 08 32 10, which was then ‘transferred’ to a little-known bank, calling itself  – Government Banking Services [GBS] – as it appeared in your verification search.

Within that ‘bank’ the SORT CODE is controlled by the bank branch – HMRC Tax Direct. We hold documentary evidence where HMRC tell us that the SORT CODE has been ‘ringfenced for government use only’.

Did someone just forget to update that Verification Page, or are we looking at the evidence of a monstrous criminal conspiracy??

This begs the question, “What use does a SORT CODE have, other than to control and massage the accounts within it”? We have written NOTICES to HMRC asking for clarification on the ‘ringfencing’ phrase and demanding to know by what Act, statute or other legal wrinkle, the Crown agents of the day, (then under David Cameron PM’s leadership), gave themselves the authority to assume ‘beneficiary’ status of those trust accounts, when their status is, in truth, that of trustee only.

According to statute law, the executor and the beneficiary cannot also be a trustee, and a trustee cannot be executor or beneficiary. Yet the deception still occurs daily, without any disclosure to the mother and father, as the control gets switched round at the registration of a birth This fraud is also proscribed by the Trustee Act 1925. At the time of writing, we await a response to our third NOTICE to HMRC on this important point – but we’re not holding our breath.

This is a significant breakthrough, and on can prepare professionally designed ‘Promissory Notes’ – something like the old-fashioned cheque books – but more powerful. With these, each of us would have the means, using specific details, to access and to use our trust funds wisely.

Remember, this misuse of our true free-born entity began in commerce. By using this slim thread of creating (without disclosure) a tradeable slave equity of every new-born infant, Crown agents think to tax us, the proletariat, throughout most of our lives. Income tax, local council tax, etc., these are all sent out under the ALL-CAPS fictional name. We hold a separate paper on this theme of ‘Justinian Deception’.

So, you can see that access to such accounts should, at present, only be for a ‘commercial’ purpose. You can imagine that, whatever colour of ‘government’ is acting on the stage at the Palace of Westminster, the Crown agents will be doing their utmost to block our access to what is lawfully ours. Do NOT fear those puppets –they are neither sovereign nor lawful, they are nothing more than purveyors of statutory sticking plasters – using layer after layer of Acts and Regulations to cover previous poor parliamentary surgery.

Happily, we have separate documentary evidence that all these our accounts, which HMRC and HM Treasury insist have never been in existence in the UK, are in fact held and administered overseas. That evidence shows us that our ‘bonds’ typically have a ‘Lapse Date’ around January 1st in the year nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. (01.01.9999). Which explains why, where gravestones are still used, the name of the deceased appears in CAPITAL LETTERS


Going back to the web page – – here is an important extra feature: whereas you entered your new ‘account’ number and found out where your hard-earned money gets stored through the National Insurance contributions set-up, you should also try this:

Leave the sort code in – 08 32 10 – but then enter or copy and paste into the account area your Council Tax ‘account’ number, you know, the one you didn’t ask for. You will see that your Council Tax payments, which you thought were going to your local council, are also shifted straight into the same Crown consolidated coffers.

We wonder whether it could be possible that the Head of Finance and the Compliance Officer of our local councils could NOT BE AWARE of this?? These are two of the top officials in our council whose job is portrayed as making sure that all the payments DO arrive and DO get into the ledgers. We may have found just one more reason why COUNCIL TAX IS NOT VALID BUSINESS. Perhaps a SDSAR – with conditional acceptance – sent in to the CEO of your local council would provide us all with important information?

This all rings very hollow when we hear from our local council leaders that Council Tax will have to be increased for the coming year’s budget. Already, in this year, several local authorities have had a ‘114 Notice’ served on them for ‘being unable to send up budget figures to Westmonster for the coming financial year. We smell rodent here.

Active, Political, Tyrannical

‘Plus ca change…’ – Tuesday 13th Feb 2024

We are often critical in general terms of the way in which Crown agents operate these days.

The extract below is taken from the ‘History of Parliament‘ web pages; you may feel that very little has changed in real terms since the 13th Century. Then, as now, the now modern adage – ‘Whatever colour party you may vote for, the government always gets in’ remains pretty close to the mark.

‘All long-lived institutions have their antecedents, and the antecedents of the Lords are to found in the Anglo-Saxon witan which brought the leading men of the realm periodically together with the King for ceremonial, legislative and deliberative purposes.  In its earliest history ‘Parliament’, first used as a technical term in 1236, was a gathering of the same type, an assembly of prominent men, summoned at the will of the King once or twice a year, to deal with matters of state and law.  So it remained for much of the 13th century.  Occasionally, however, these assemblies were afforced by the summons of a wider grouping.  At first these extended assemblies – the first known dates from 1212 – served as the means by which the King could communicate with men who, although below the ranks of his leading tenants, were of standing in their localities and well-informed of local grievances.  Had the Crown been able to function financially from its lands and feudal revenues alone, these representatives of the localities, the precursors of the Commons, might have remained no more than a source of information for the Crown and a conduit through which it could liaise with its subjects.  The decline in the real value of the Crown’s traditional revenues and the financial demands of war, however, transformed these local representatives from an occasional to a defining component of Parliament because the levy of taxation depended on their consent.  The theoretical principle of consent had been stated in Magna Carta, but that consent was conceived on the feudal principle that it need come from the King’s leading subjects, his tenants-in-chief, (barons) alone.  But as the 13th century progressed this principle gave way to another, namely that consent must also be sought from the lesser tenants as the representatives of their localities.  There was both a theoretical and practical reason for this: on the one hand, there was the influence of the Roman law doctrine, ‘what touches all shall be approved  by all’, cited in the writs that summoned the 1295 Parliament; and, on the other, there was the practical consideration that the efficient collection of levy on moveable property, the form that tax assumed, depended on some mechanism of local consent.  Hence, from the 1260s, no general tax was levied without the consent of the representatives of local communities specifically summoned for the purpose of giving their consent, and only Parliaments in which the Crown sought no grant of taxation met without these representatives.  The Crown’s increasing need for money meant it was a short step to the Commons becoming an indispensable part of Parliament.  After 1325 no Parliament met without their presence.

‘None the less, although this right of consent gave the Commons their place in Parliament, it did not give them any meaningful part in the formulation of royal policy.  In so far as that policy was determined in Parliament, it was determined in a dialogue between the King and the Lords, who came to Parliament not through local election, as was the case with the Commons, but by personal writ of summons from the monarch.  Further, the Commons’ right of consent was as much an obligation as it was a privilege.  Since subjects had a duty to support the Crown in the defence of the realm, the Commons had few grounds, even had they sought them, on which to deny royal requests for taxation.  What did, however, remain to them was some scope for negotiation.  To make demands on his subjects’ goods, the Crown had to demonstrate an exceptional need, a need generally arising from the costs of war; and, in making a judgment on the level of taxation warranted by this need, the Commons were drawn into a dialogue with the Crown over matters of royal policy, at least in so far as concerned expenditure.  Hence the Crown had to measure its demands to avoid exciting criticism of its government.  The consequences of its failure to do so are exemplified most clearly by the ‘Good Parliament’ of 1376, when the Commons, in seeking to legitimize the extreme step of refusing to grant direct taxation, alleged mis-governance, accusing certain courtiers of misappropriating royal revenue.

‘Aside from the granting of taxation, the other principal function of the medieval Parliament was legislative.  Even before the early Parliaments lawmaking was theoretically established as consensual between King and subjects, yet, in the reign of Edward I, legislation arose solely out of royal initiative and was drafted by royal counsellors and judges.  In the course of the medieval  period, however, the assent of Parliament, first of the Lords and then of the Commons, became an indispensable part of the legislative process.  Here, however, the question was not, as in the case of taxation, simply one of parliamentary assent, it was also one of initiative.  New law came to be initiated not only by the Crown but also by the Commons.  In the early 14th century, in what was a natural elaboration of Parliament’s role as the forum for the presentation of petitions of individuals and communities, the Commons began to present petitions in their own name, seeking remedies, not to individual wrongs, but to general administrative, economic and legal problems.  The King’s answers to these petitions became the basis of new law. Even so, it should not be concluded from this important procedural change that Crown conceded its legislative freedom.  Not only could it deny the Commons’ petitions, but, by the simple means of introducing its own bills among the common petitions, it could steer its own legislative program through the Commons.  

‘By the end of the medieval period, Parliament was, in both structure and function, the same assembly that opposed the Stuarts in the seventeenth century.  It bargained with the Crown over taxation and formulated local grievances in such a way as to invite legislative remedy, and, on occasion, most notably in 1376, it opposed the royal will. Yet this is not to say that Parliament had yet achieved, or even sought, an independent part in the polity.  The power of the Lords resided not in their place in Parliament, but in the landed wealth of the great nobility.  For the Commons, a favourable answer to their petitions remained a matter of royal grace, yet they were under an obligation to grant taxation as necessity demanded (a necessity largely interpreted by the Crown); and their right of assent to new law was a theoretical rather than a practical restraint on the King’s freedom of legislative action.  Indeed, Parliament amplified rather than curtailed royal power, at least when that power was exercised competently.  Not only were the Crown’s financial resources expanded by the system of parliamentary taxation, so too was its legislative force and reach extended by the Commons’ endorsement of the initiatives of a strong monarch, a fact strikingly demonstrated by the legislative break with Rome during the Reformation of Parliament 1529-1536.’

Active, Common Law, Education, Environmental, Meditation, Spiritual


It is becoming clear that may of those who ‘talk the talk’ have spent far too long in the ‘dark room’ of doubt – developing NEGATIVES. In a local community centre we spotted this little beauty:

Yes, yes, we know - it has printed out twice – that’s so that we can all make several copies and hand them out – cheer up those who might be feeling weary in the battle..

Active, Common Law, Constitutional, Political, Spiritual

False statement re who is sovereign

This, below, is our statement as to how true sovereign men and women live their lives. When we are living right, the word ‘sorry‘ is seldom needed in our vocabulary

“We are not a political party nor are we a religious cult; we are simply a group of living beings, flesh and blood, spiritually united in heart and soul. We stand as individuals yet built together under a common, natural law, which is shared by all, owned by none and which is superior to any statute. We each have a personal commitment, divinely inspired, to do no harm, to cause no loss to others, to commit no fraud and to keep the peace.”

On the other hand, this bogus statement appeared around the 24th January 2024..

‘We note the following statement on the website of the Crown agents, who are acting as our present ‘government’

‘Parliamentary sovereignty is a principle of the UK constitution. It makes Parliament the supreme legal authority in the UK, which can create or end any law. Generally, the courts cannot overrule its legislation and no Parliament can pass laws that future Parliaments cannot change. Parliamentary sovereignty is the most important part of the UK constitution’.

We believe this assertion to be treasonous, one which must be countered by us, the people, who have naively been selecting the 650-odd incumbents for those green benches for generations.

Those of us who still have faith in our common law position, and the constitution which has been based upon common law, must now do something about this…’

With a hat-tip to Martin Geddes for tackling this crime head-on. Please consider supporting his work and co-ordinate thought and action via ‘Truth Social’ at

Active, Autobiographical, Democracy, Education

Just how LOW do sheeple have to be??

Today’s item is available only as a pdf, here the THREE levels of loss of standing [Latin status] are set out, but, although an old ‘Romish’ trick, nothing has changed, ‘the same sly moves are being used – to keep us silly geese confused‘.

RV, in a recent podcast, did mention that some Crown government departments are resorting to using the THIRD (minima) option shown on this paper in a desperate effort to keep us all corralled .

Attached to the text are two current examples of how this is being done, both taken from our own family files – but we have clean hands and nothing to hide. Remember the old motto – ‘wachet’ – ‘heads up’ is a rough translation these days..

Active, Autobiographical, Common Law, Spiritual

We need you on our team!

“We are not a political party nor are we a religious cult; we are simply a group of living beings, flesh and blood, spiritually united in heart and soul. We stand as individuals yet built together under a common, natural law, which is shared by all, owned by none and which is superior to any statute. We each have a personal commitment, divinely inspired, to do no harm, to cause no loss to others, to commit no fraud and to keep the peace.”

This is our manifesto

Hi there,

Over the past five years we’ve been working to bring folks together who like us, want to see some good changes in the way our country is run.

We have some 3,500 regular contacts, who know what we stand for: 1600 of ‘em we know are online, others either aren’t online or else are a bit coy about sharing their information.

Now we are looking to get a


at least ONE for each county: if that could be you, or if you know somebody who CAN work with us, contact us at – – and give us up-to-date snail-mail details.

Sent without wax, in peace and with love

:                         grant-andrew – Huddersfield

                          Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Active, Corporate, Military, Political

Police violence/force in England

This one is a bit different: we had a run-in last year with one section of the ‘dark armed forces’, and thought it is a good idea to know

where they are,

who is controlling them on behalf of the Crown

and keep the list up-to-date – that bit you will have to do for your local area at least.

Attached is the state of play as of November 2023

Active, Commercial, Financial

Fees – co-operative and adversarial

Further to this present problem of folks expecting us to ‘contract’ by a simple ‘tick’ in a four-cornered box. Here is a suggested format for countering their trend – deal ONLY by paperwork, do not include telephone numbers or email addresses on your paperwork, do not get drawn into their ‘high-speed’, no problem, ‘we’ll have it sorted in a jiffy’ mentality. Of course, they’ll think we are being difficult if we don’t toe their line, but THEY are the ones who have created this go-faster, line-of-least-resistance monster..

Terms of co-operation and fee schedule

Those with whom we come into contact we cannot always KNOW or fully TRUST.

For those with whom we do work, we have already done ‘due diligence’.


Consultancy and attendance – per day or part day                      200.00

plus travel and accommodation costs against verified

documentation chargeable pro rata


Unlawful kidnapping                                                           20,000.00

Unlawful detention / false imprisonment                           

per hour or part thereof:                                                      3,000.00

Unlawful confiscation of personal property / conveyance

per day or part thereof for lost possession                              1,000.00

Unlawful finger-printing against our will                                10,000.00

Distress and mental anguish                                                 10,000.00

NOTE: All the above amounts are pounds sterling

Underwritten by

:xxxxx xxxxx                                                     04 February 2024

Your snail-mail address here

Active, Autobiographical, Common Law, Entertainment, Spiritual

Terms & Conditions for Contracts in Business

Friends, roamers and co-warriors,

We live today in a world which seems to be obsessed by amassing material wealth and possessions and to get these by the shortest possible trouble-free route. This to the point where ‘paresse intellectuelle‘ has become the order of the day. When was the last time, for example, that any of us read the terms & conditions of an End User License Agreement [EULA] thoroughly?

We are all guilty of it; we seem, the majority of us, to have assumed that “Oh, it’ll be OK, just the usual guff” attitude, and only if and when a problem turns up, do we even think of checking what we agreed to when we put that tiny ‘tick’ in that tiny box, which we might think was insignificant, but which the entity offering the ‘contract’ heavily relies on to have its pound of flesh.

Because we believe in open and honest contracts, we’re posting a pdf below, merely as a suggested guide to making out your terms of dealing with other parties when we have to enter their commercial climate.

We’ve had to ‘cobble’ this up a bit, its original document has ‘gone walkies’ ‘somewhere:

(1! – all in lower case lettering – your chosen free wo/man name

(2) – your` ‘family’ or ‘clan’ name

(3) – the LEGAL FICTION name foisted onto you at birth – ALL CAPITAL LETTERING

(4) – the Legal Fiction name which the Crown agents have more recently used to convince us that it is one and the same PERSONA as at (3) above

As a footnote – RV was commenting recently in a podcast that the Crown agents have even taken to using our LEGAL FICTION name – written in all lower case – so desperate are they to drag us back into the sheep-fold. Don’t forget to SCALP – step carefully around legal pitfalls..

Active, Entertainment, Financial, Spiritual, Unity

Light the touch paper – stand well clear

We’re being just a bit careful with this one – but we think that you will know what we’re talking about

My own exemption I.D. – AB 12 34 56 C– is valid under UCC 3-104(F): any bank draft or promissory note underwritten by :xxxxx xxxxx; stands equivalent to a bank cheque.

As such any draft or note, duly issued and endorsed, is to be treated as a Treasury-backed ‘non-clearing item’ fit to be securitized or monetized via a commercial checking, time, thrift or savings account by virtue of Title 12 of the United States Code Section 1813 (1) (1).

The narrow view, that money is limited to legal tender, is here rejected under Section 1-201 (24) of the Uniform Commercial Code, and this provision is not limited to the United States of America.

Stated sincerely, without frivolity and with clean hands by

: xxxxx xxxxx – livingstone in the family xxxxx

underwritten this day – _______________ at your address by xxxxx xxxxx the secured party creditor of XXXXX XXXXX

Active, Autobiographical, History, Meditation, Spiritual

Thursday 1 February 2024

Friends, roamers and warriors,

It is not by accident that we Living Stones find ourselves standing today, surrounded on all sides by

  • corruption in high – and low – places,
  • rule-breaking in the thirst for recognition,
  • statute-bending in the lust for riches,
  • sticking-plaster ‘government eroding democracy’
  • electronic short-cuts to ‘tick-the-box’ fake contracts,
  • black-unformed ‘jack-boot’ bullying of the timid,

simply for daring to think for ourselves??

We have heard the call: we must challenge that ‘carnal spirit of death’ which is going around like a roaring lion, looking for victims to devour.

Having just listened to the 30-minute presentation by Gary Kent – follow the link below – we’re asking ourselves the question:

‘Do we believe we’ve landed here on this planet by fluke, by lust, by accident, or are here destined to be walking in tune with the spirit of the eternal planner’?

If all the energy within us resonates with that spirit, we will hear the still small voice inside us, challenging us with the cost of true commitment.

We keep coming back to the well-worn mantra of the ‘Rastafarian’ faith –

‘those who are in earnest are not afraid of consequences’

Having actually lived for a while in the German capital, this particularly strikes home to us. Our temporary address at that time was in the Bonhoeffer Ufer, which is a side road off the Tegeler Weg in B-Charlottenburg..

All we ask you to do, as you listen to, and view, Gary Kent’s presentation is to substitute the two initials – KS – for – AH. Those of us who have done our homework will know what the link is and what has been, all along, the dark determined design.

By the way, don’t get too irritated by the ‘JC’ tag; the man Bonhoeffer was walking in the light that he had been shown up to that point on his journey.

We may think that we are benefitting today from a deeper revelation about things spiritual, but it is grasping the REALITY of the one spirit, not the Vatican marketing name, which gives us the grace and humility to make a full commitment to Truth.

Common Law, Constitutional, Financial, Spiritual, Unity

Wednesday 31 January 2024

Friends, roamers and co-warriors, it it time for us to say clearly that we overstand the faithless behaviour of those who have pushed themselves forward to become our ‘leaders’ – local, national and international. The text which follows is given by way of suggested guidance. We could do much worse than to make this clear to all who may wish to challenge our faith.


              of :your new name here – family line here in the family xxxxxx              

currently of your contact address if possible here]

I AM, :xxxxx xxxxx, a wo/man, being of sound mind who does DECLARE AND SAY as follows:

  1. Whereas I, a sovereign wo/man, currently living in the United Kingdom, being the secured party creditor to the debtor LEGAL FICTION here, have previously consented to pay in favour of Parliament, HM Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, UK public authorities and/or institutions, HMRC, the DVLA, Kirklees Council, corporate bodies and/or businesses and/or individuals acting as agents of HM Government (hereinafter jointly and severally known as the Trustee) in consideration of various taxes, fees, fines, rents, duties, levies, demands or charges made upon me under various Finance Acts, statutes and regulations enacted, passed or issued by the Trustee, now, as Beneficiary, will hold said payment(s)in whole or in part, together with a promissory note for the balance, on discretionary, conditional, revocable trust until the last day of the financial year (April 5th).
  2. It has been brought to my attention that all taxes, fees, fines, duties, charges and payments of money to the Trustee are, on receipt, placed into a Crown Consolidated Fund, whereupon some of that money is used by the Trustee directly and/or indirectly, in whole or in part, for illegal and criminal purposes, in particular to finance the manufacture, procurement, supply and/or use by:
    1. the UK Ministry of Defence and HM Military forces of weapons such as nuclear and high- explosive bombs, rockets, missiles and firearms as well as weapon delivery systems such as ships, aircraft, tanks, submarines and drones, for the instigation, facilitation, and/or conduct of various illegal wars, invasions, occupations or armed attacks on the people of diverse independent Sovereign States, most recently

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, the Yemen, Palestine and the Ukraine, causing serious bodily injury or death to thousands of men, women and children, none of whom were given the opportunity to plead for their lives and the lives of their family in court before being summarily injured or killed by military forces at the order of UK political, civil, judicial and military commanders;

The UK Home Office and UK police forces of firearms which are used to threaten, harm or kill UK residents and other nationals;

  • The Ministry of Health and Wellbeing, the National Health Service, Public Health England, UK Ministers of State, civil servants, employees, advisors and members of the medical profession of experimental toxic COVID 19 vaccines, falsely and deceptively described and promoted as safe and effective and subsequently administered without their informed consent to millions of UK residents and nationals which have resulted in serious injury or death to thousands of children, women and men the majority of whom are members of the English, Welsh, Scottish and Northern Ireland national groups.
  • I have also been made aware that:
    • the United Kingdom PLC is a member state of the United Nations, and that HM Government, on behalf of us, the people, had, in June 1945, signed and ratified the United Nations Charter under which it has agreed that we be bound by its rules, which amongst others provides under Rules 2 and 41 that:

“2.3 All members shall settle their international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace, security and justice are not endangered.”

“2.4 All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”

41. The Security Council may decide what measures, not involving the use of armed force, are to be employed to give effect to its decisions.

  • pursuant to the United Nations’ Declaration on Principles of International Law it is agreed that;

“Every State has the duty to refrain in its international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any other State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the United Nations.

“Such a threat or use of force constitutes a violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations and shall never be employed as a means of settling international issues.”

“A war of aggression constitutes a crime against peace, for which there is responsibility under international law”,

“No State or group of States has the right to intervene, directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or external affairs of any other State. Consequently, armed intervention and all other forms of interference or attempted threats against the personality of the State or against its political, economic and cultural elements are in violation of international law.”

  • the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal (1946) observed and held that:

“… individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience imposed by the individual State. He who violates the laws of war cannot obtain immunity while acting in pursuance of the authority of the State, if the State in authorizing action moves outside its competence under international law”

  • the Nuremberg War Crimes Tribunal issued the Nuremberg Code on medical experimentsin which it ruled that:

“The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential… This requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his/her health or person which may possibly come from participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity…”

  • I also acknowledge that, with the consent of the elected representatives in Parliament, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
    • is a signatory and party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and therefore there exists a potential risk to me and my family under Article 25 (the provision concerning individual criminal responsibility) of prosecution and imprisonment by the International Criminal Court under the provisions of Articles 5,

6, 7, 8, 9, 25 and 27 of the said Rome Statute for aiding and abetting criminal acts of genocide, and crimes against humanity;

  • ratified the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court when it enacted the International Criminal Court Act 2001 and the International Criminal Court Act 2001 [Elements of Crimes] Regulations 2001, making it a criminal offence under Section 52 of that Act for anyone to engage in conduct ancillary to crimes against humanity

 and/or genocide and therefore, knowing that thousands of men women and children have been injured and killed by order of Britain’s political, civil, military and medical leaders, there exists a risk to me and my family of prosecution  and life imprisonment for aiding and abetting genocideand crimes against humanity.

  • is a signatory and party to the Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and ratified the Convention by enacting the Terrorism Act 2000 in which it ruled in section 17 that:

A person commits an offence if he enters into or becomes concerned in an arrangement as a result of which money or other property is made available or is to be made available to another, and he knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that it will, or may be, used for the purposes of terrorism (the use of firearms or explosives endangering life for a political or ideological cause).

  • enacted The Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 in which it ruled in section 8 that:

Whosoever shall aid, abet, counsel, or procure the commission of any indictable offence, whether the same be an offence at common law or by virtue of any Act passed or to be passed, shall be liable to be tried, indicted, and punished as a principal offender.

  • It has also been brought to my attention that the UK Supreme Court, in a case concerning the definition of terrorism as per the Terrorism Act 2000 (Regina ‘v’ Gul UKSC 64 (2013), stated, in paragraphs 26 and 28:

26. “the legislation does not exempt, nor make an exception, nor create a defence for, nor exculpate what some would describe as ‘terrorism in a just cause’. Such a concept is foreign to the 2000 Act. Terrorism is terrorism, whatever the motives of the perpetrators. Terrorist action outside the United Kingdom which involves the use of firearms or explosives, resulting in danger to life, is terrorism.

28. As a matter of ordinary language, the definition would seem to cover any violence or damage to property if it is carried out with a view to influencing a government or IGO in order to advance a very wide range of causes. Thus, it would appear to extend to military or quasi-military activity aimed at bringing down a foreign government, even where that activity be approved officially or unofficially by the UK government

  • I therefore maintain and state that there exists a serious risk to me, my family, my colleagues and my friends under the common law, customary national statutes and the provisions of international statutes identified in paragraphs 3 – 5 above, of a criminal prosecution, conviction and imprisonment for aiding and abetting genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, fundraising for purposes of terrorism and/or other criminal acts of persons operating for and on behalf of the Trustee.
  • In the premise I therefore declare and say that I have no choice but to:
    • withdraw my consent to any and all taxes, fees, fines, duties, rents, financial demands and/or charges made upon me under various Finance Acts, laws, orders and regulations enacted, passed or issued by the Trustee; and
    • withhold all such payments of money (taxes) or other property to the Trustee and to cause the same to be held in a conditional revocable discretionary trust for the benefit of the Trustee by way of abandonment of, or complicity in, any and/or all illegal and/or criminal acts of the Trustee identified at paragraph 2.
  • I further declare and say that if, prior to the end of the financial year, I receive incontrovertible evidence from a court of competent jurisdiction that the Trustee:
    • has ended all involvement in the criminal acts identified at paragraph 2 above; and
    • is acting in accord with the domestic and international laws specified in paragraphs 3 – 5 above; and
    • has acknowledged my complete and full immunity from any and all claims, charges or liability both present and future being made against me which may arise as a result of my paying any taxes, fees, fines, rents, duties, charges or financial demands levied upon me, whether existing or future, under the various Acts, judgments, statutes or orders made, passed or issued by the Trustee; and
    • has initiated with the Director of Public Prosecutions of England, Wales and Northern Ireland and the Lord Advocate and Solicitor General for Scotland, criminal proceedings against 1000 of the leading instigators, perpetrators, financiers, advisors, company directors, public officials and persons complicit in the criminal acts of the Trustee identified at paragraph 2 above,

I shall then recommence periodic payments to the Trustee in consideration of all lawful and legitimate taxes, fees, fines, rents, charges, interest payments and/or financial demands made upon me.

  • If, however, the Trustee continues to breach the common law and the domestic and international statutes governing warfare, terrorism, genocide and crimes against humanity identified at paragraphs 3 – 5 above, and continues to take part in the criminal acts identified at paragraph 2 above, and is thereby complicit in the criminal offences of misconduct in public office, murder, crimes against peace, war crimes, crimes against humanity and/or genocide, then this conditional, revocable, discretionary Trust will automatically be revoked on the last day of the financial year and all money and/or assets held in trust for the Trustee will be carried forward on the same terms and conditions to the following financial year or at the discretion of the Trustee returned to me, the settlor (the Beneficiary).

                                                    Underwritten by                          

                                                    this                   day of                   2024    


Name:                    __                                                 


                                                                            Postcode  [              ]  

                                                               © ::xxxxx xxxxx- and dated here

Common Law, Constitutional, Meditation, Spiritual

Tuesday 30th January 2024

“We are not a political party nor are we a religious cult; we are simply a group of living beings, flesh and blood, spiritually united in heart and soul. We stand as individuals yet built together under a common, natural law, which is shared by all, owned by none and which is superior to any statute. We each have a personal commitment, divinely inspired, to do no harm, to cause no loss to others, to commit no fraud and to keep the peace.”


Let’s remind ourselves what are our unalienable rights as living beings on this planet. Unalienable rights are the inherent, sovereign, natural rights which existed before the creation of any kingdom or state, and which, being antecedent to and above such, can neither be taken away, diminished, altered, nor levied, except by due process of True Law.

Nor can any unalienable right be fundamentally removed or waived by contract, whether by non-disclosure, which is fraud and unenforceable, either legally or lawfully, nor knowingly by sufferance, which is contrary to the spirit of the true Law and prejudicial to true sovereignty. 

The original, unalienable rights of every wo/man include the:

  • right to life freedom, health and the pursuit of happiness.
  • unlimited right to contract, or not to contract, in any matter.
  • right to earn a living income in a fair exchange for one’s work.
  • right to travel in the ordinary course of one’s life and business.
  • right to privacy and confidentiality, free from unwarranted invasion.
  • right to own and hold property, lawfully without trespass.
  • right to self-defence when threatened with harm, loss or deceit. 
  • right to be presumed innocent, suffering no detention or arrest, no search or seizure, without reasonable cause.
  • right to remain silent when accused, to avoid self-incrimination.
  • right to equality in the eyes of true law and to equal representation.
  • right to trial by jury, before an impartial panel of one’s peers.
  • right to appeal in statute legislation against conviction or sentence, or both.
  • right to expose knowledge necessary to one’s rights and freedoms.
  • right to peaceful association, assembly, expression and protest.
  • right to practise a religion and to hold beliefs of one’s choosing.
  • right to love and to consensual marriage with children as a family.
  • right to security from abuse, persecution, tyranny and/or war.
  • right to refuse to kill under command by reason of conscience.
  • right to live in peace and be left alone when Law-abiding.

“Surely, the most critical failure of the people is their failure to ensure the teaching and common knowledge of these our unalienable rights. If you do not know your rights, you effectively have none. By the path of ignorance, whether by apathy or due to deception, the people will end up living in a state of exploitation – under oppression and tyranny”.

With a hat-tip to David Robertson, who lived and died a faithful defender of these truths.

Active, Autobiographical, Common Law, Entertainment, Political, Spiritual

Monday 29th January 2024


It is becoming harder for the Crown to conceal its affairs…

This is an important post. What we do in life has consequences – cause and effect. We’re not going to write much by way of introduction, the words speak for themselves. Simply download or share the pdf below and live, without fear, in the Truth of its message.

Autobiographical, Common Law, Entertainment, Magna Carta 1215, Meditation, Spiritual

When the ‘Bullen’ start to bully

Some folks, who say that they are ‘awake’, can’t seem to accept that the bold actions of our clan leaders, some 800+ years ago, can still hold good today. Yet, I imagine, if one of their ‘clan’ got brutally and ‘on-purpose’ killed, they would not want the wrong-doer to be deal with. Well, there is no ‘Murder Act, statute or REGulation. It does not exist. Killing other folk(s) on purpose is dealt with, by today’s legal eagles, under common law – ‘against the peace‘. This next paper could be handy: the fact that the bullen (our new word – for policy officers) might pooh-pooh it doesn’t mean it has no strength..

I must caution you

that I stand under Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215, which was invoked, here in the United Kingdom, in March 2001, being acknowledged and recognized in writing by Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth II in April 2001.

According to constitutional protocol, any attempt to enforce unlawful Acts, Statutes, or legal REGulation upon myself will be taken as an act of high treason for which you will stand trial before a jury of the people. Upon conviction you could face life imprisonment according to the present statutory legislation.

Further, I urge you to remember the precedent of the International Military Tribunal – Nuremberg – November 1945 to October 1946 – where ‘only doing my job’ was evidenced as ‘No defence’.

Also, consider the statutory legislation maxim:

‘Ignorance of the statute law is no excuse’

Anything you may say, or any action you may take against myself will be used before a jury, as you now become personally liable and publicly accountable.

Denying constitutional protocol remains a sedition under common law and carries the risk of full asset stripping along with life imprisonment.

Do you understand this?

All rights reserved, in honour in peace and in good faith.

We should all then underwrite (remember, we, as living stones, no longer ‘sign’) this paper with our chosen name and any details which we may want to show as to where we are resting our heads . We shall need to include this last bit as there is nothing the bullen like more than to be able to handle us as ‘no fixed abode‘, which is a bit odd really because we are all travelling through this life, as my old mum used to say – “there are no pockets in a shroud”

As usual, we attach a similar paper in pdf to give a better idea of how to set your own words out.

Common Law, Spiritual, Unity

Saturday 27th January 2024

Hello, folks, there are several newish warriors looking in on the blog now, so we thought it might be useful , over the next month or so, to re-post many of the earlier pdfs which point out the basics of why we are here and what we stand for. As always, we will add the same info at the bottom of the page as a downloadable PDF. If you can stand with us on these principles and the points which come up, do feel free to SHARE with others. Our information will ALWAYS be FREE – we believe in FREEdom, not PAYdom. Standing with Truth might, however, test your spirit and more. Better to die for the Truth than to live under lies.

So, here is a start…

“We are not a political party nor are we a religious cult; we are simply a group of living beings, flesh and blood, spiritually united in heart and soul. We stand as individuals yet built together under a common, natural law, which is shared by all, owned by none and which is superior to any statute. We each have a personal commitment, divinely inspired, to do no harm, to cause no loss to others, to commit no fraud and to keep the peace.”

This is our manifesto

‘Be without fear – even in the face of our enemies.

Be brave and upright that your god may love you.

Speak Truth always even if it leads to your death.

Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong’.

This is our Oath

Education, Entertainment, Humour, Unity

Saturday 20-01-2024 – Today’s word is…

Dear fellow-travellers,

We had a little thought on monday 16th about stepping around the LATIN, do you recall what we were on about?

Here’s another little pearl dropped in early this morning:

:kuppelation = the small-time often bringing big-time results, opportunities and duties

Do drop us a line and let us know what ideas you are getting to build up our new word-chest.

What do readers think should be the new handle for our better lingo?

We think that, if ‘franglais’ is now in the OCD, then ‘deuglish’ [said as doyglish] ought to be OK?

:send your ideas on an email to  – info at livingstones dot uk –

Common Law, Meditation, Spiritual

Thursday 18 01 2024…

Thoughts for Thursdays,
well, for any other day of the week as well: we are always being told, on every side, that our world is in problems. A great deal of the fake ‘corn’ on which the chattel (cattle) are being fed, when we actually take a close look at the sources, is dodgy.

From time to time you may hear us talk about our ToR, or our MA, well they are ‘plural’, they move about in huge numbers, our always-to-hand, non-sleeping ‘watcher-messengers’.

This morning, ours has just dropped by and left us with a little gem, so, as and
when this DOES happen, we’ll try to share them, and if they rhyme with you,
you’ll be wanting, of course, to share them too, and to think on them during
your day.

No waffle, then, here is today’s ‘manna’.. Think about the simple word – corner – what was the first thing that came to your mind as you read it just this instant? We all know what a corner is, don’t we? Let’s look at a few ways in which the feinds, our ‘gegners‘ have used it to channel our thoughts, to blinker our vision.

Why has a boxing ‘ring’ always been square?

Why do we keep sheep in a pen?

This one is not so easy; but we think that it may come from an old Hebrew word. There are several words in that language for ‘corner’ and ‘pen’ is one of them. Today, the more alert of us are often talking about the ‘4-corner’ rule, aren’t we? Well, some time ago, when we were looking into a fraud which had been done on us, we saw that an ‘official form’ was asking us, in one part, to ‘sign’ – in BLACK ink, in the ‘box’ which was printed on the form. When we saw the fraud unfold, we said we would, after that, NEVER again ‘sign’ anything, and NEVER lined up with the HORIZON(tally). At the risk of raising a few hackles, there is a bit in the New Covenant writings about when one of the followers of the Messiah was being ‘examined’ for saying that a man could be alive after the Romans had killed him and one of his supporters had been seen putting the corpse in a tomb. What the man said in reply was  “…the king knows about it,,,none of these things is hidden from him…for this has not been done in a corner” – Acts 26:26,

Let’s not get penned in. Do have a wonderful day – every day – a day speckled
with ‘wonders, small and large.

See you again soon


Active, Common Law

Wednesday January 17th 2024

This post comes to you all by way of an apology and an explanation. Many of you will know that we recently received a ‘Yellow Card’ from our previous webmail supplier for trying to make bulk emailings.

Sadly, our move across to another, more professional (US-based) system is proving to have its own hazards. We had hardly got started when we were criticized there, also, for using a term which is common over here to describe those who are still believing in the corporate set-up, which makes us know that there too, across the pond, there is control and from the same source, if truth be known. We are saddened that the venture did not work out, but Hey!, onward and upward.

There is another way to get the best email coverage of this our England. We will find and encourage others to become like an ‘admin hub’ for their own county. Then we will have set up a chain of information.

If any of us feel that we are computer and ‘app’ savvy enough to work in the their area, do get in touch. We already have quite a few in place, but more will help us spread the word.

sincerely, grant-andrew

Common Law, Spiritual, Unity

OVERSTANDING – a new perspective

There are four or five separate uses of this rather unusual word:

  • verb rare to stand or insist too much or too long; overstay (your welcome?)
  • verb transitive to stand too strictly on the demands or conditions of.
  • verb yachting: to sail to the mark at a wider angle than is the normal upwind angle, to go beyond the layline
  • verb : to have complete or intuitive comprehension, to ‘grok’??

For our purposes, we will take the last of these.

Overstand – as a verb, to ‘overstand’ is to have complete and/or intuitive comprehension – to ‘grok

From Middle English                                       overstonden,

from Old English                                             oferstandan     (“to stand over”),

equivalent to over- +‎ stand.

Cognate with Dutch                                        overstaan        (“to stand over”), or

German                                                           überstehen      (“to stand through, survive”).

As we now live separated from the present Crown mercantile corruption, we shall likely need to use this word, as a verb (that is, a ‘doing’ word), when we are confronted by Crown bullies.

As an example – Let’s say we are detained by a constable or an officer. Perhaps s/he thinks that we have been very naughty, that we have disobeyed one of their many ‘statutes’. After some discussion, we may be ‘reported’ to some corporate ‘authority’, or, if they think we have been very naughty, our movements will be restricted by handcuffs (‘bracelets’ if you are living in the ‘smoke’). Then you may hear a word of ‘caution’, which usually goes something like this:

“I am arresting you for (for dangerous thinkingcontrary to some new-fangled ‘sticking-plaster’ rule, statute or REGulation?). You are not obliged to say anything, but what you DO say may be taken down (nowadays they mean ‘recorded’ on that secret device pinned to their fancy-dress) and used in evidence. Do you understand?”

To which you, as a free livingstone wo/man, living to commonsense standards, will then respond with:

“No, I overstand what you are claiming!” meaning that ‘I do NOT agree, nor do I consent’.

Always remember our ‘oath’ and our ‘manifesto – see below:

“We are not a political party nor are we a religious cult; we are simply a group of living beings, flesh and blood, spiritually united in heart and soul. We stand as individuals yet built together under a common, natural law, which is shared by all, owned by none and which is superior to any statute. We each have a personal commitment, divinely inspired, to do no harm, to cause no loss to others, to commit no fraud and to keep the peace.”

This is our manifesto

‘Be without fear – even in the face of our enemies.

Be brave and upright that your god may love you.

Speak Truth always even if it leads to your death.

Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong’.

This is our Oath

We wish all livingstones a positive, victorious New Year in this 2024, our motto this year is:

       ‘Live as if someone left the gate open’!!

Common Law, Democracy, Meditation, Spiritual, Unity

Is this what we’re looking for?

We were recently given a few documents to consider. We ended up a bit bemused, but, as we have persevered, following the links, we have found that the rather staggering assertions in these papers do appear to be watertight.

From the start, we sensed that there are FIVE , well, what are they? We will call them ‘pillars’ of wisdom: Truth, Responsibility, Accountability, Integrity and Transparency. In five words, what we have been drumming away at over the past FIVE years. We are encouraged. We suggest that more of us take a dive into this pool of information. Do drop us a line and tell us your reactions.

Common Law, Meditation, Spiritual

Sunday, 9 July 2023: Truth is like water

I share with you some thoughts passed to me by a new, mature, beautiful spirit..

‘The supreme good is like water,
which nourishes all things without trying to.
It flows to the low places loathed by all men.
Therefore, it is like the Tao.
Live in accordance with the nature of things.
In dwelling, be close to the land.
In meditation, go deep in the heart.
In dealing with others, be gentle and kind.
In speech, be true.
In ruling be just.
In action, watch the timing.
No fight: No blame.’                      Tao Te Ching – Lao Tzu – Verse 8

Those who live in accordance with nature do not go against the way of things.
They move in harmony with the present moment, always knowing the truth of just what to do. This is pure, natural sovereignty in action. cf: John 7:37-38 in the New..

Corporate, Military, Political, Tyrannical


This article was published by UK Crown agents to clarify the LEGAL status of those men and women who, in both the land of England and the Principality of Wales, are STILL prepared to support the REGime which is selling the nation out to their WEF and WHO puppet masters.

For clarity, we, the people in the Republic of England, need to know the identity of the 78 men and women who are currently controlling these FORCES within our land. This will involve some work to keep the list up-to-date in terms of both personnel and snail-mail addresses.

It will become ever more important for each of us to know the CEO for our individual area. Please do your own research to find the location addresses – and send this data back to us at the email address at the foot of Page 3 of this document, so that we can build a database going forward.

‘Except in Greater London, each territorial police force covers one or more of the local government areas (counties) established in the 1974 local government reorganisation (although with subsequent modifications), in an area known in statute as a police area. These forces provide most of the policing services to the public of England and Wales. These forces have been known historically as “Home Office police forces” due to the central government department, the Home Office, being responsible for and providing most of the funding for these police forces.

Despite the implication of the term, all police forces are independent (corporations), with operational control resting solely with the chief officer [CEO] of each force (the Chief Constable or with regard to the Metropolitan Police and City of London Police forces, their respective Commissioners); each force was overseen by a Police authority until these were replaced by Police and Crime Commissioners in 2012.

The Police Act 1996 is the most recent piece of legislation, which outlines the areas of responsibility for the 43 territorial forces of England and Wales (found in Schedule 1 of the Act).

Constable is the entry-level rank in the police service, but all officers, whatever their rank, are “constables” in terms of legal powers and jurisdiction. Police officers in territorial police forces in England and Wales derive their jurisdiction from Section 30 of the Police Act 1996. This section outlines that such officers have jurisdiction throughout England and Wales and also in the adjacent United Kingdom waters. 

Special Constables, who are part-time, volunteer officers of these forces, used to have a more limited jurisdiction – limited solely to their own force areas and adjacent forces. Since 1 April 2007, however Special Constables of England & Wales (who do NOT have to take an oath) have (assumed) full police powers throughout those two countries.

This means that, in contrast to most countries, all UK volunteer police officers now have exactly the same powers as their full-time colleagues. There are a number of situations in which the jurisdiction of a constable extends to one of the other countries, and constables of one jurisdiction do have reciprocal powers of arrest in each other’s jurisdictions as a matter of course – see the main article for details.

  Police forces in England

  1. Avon and Somerset Police                                 
  2. Bedfordshire Police
  3. Cambridgeshire Constabulary
  4. Cheshire Constabulary[1]
  5. City of London Police (not shown)
  6. Cleveland Police
  7. Cumbria Constabulary
  8. Derbyshire Constabulary
  9. Devon and Cornwall Police
  10. Dorset Police
  11. Durham Constabulary
  12. Essex Police
  13. Gloucestershire Constabulary
  14. Greater Manchester Police
  15. Hampshire Constabulary
  16. Hertfordshire Constabulary
  17. Humberside Police
  18. Kent Police
  19. Lancashire Constabulary[1]
  20. Leicestershire Police
  21. Lincolnshire Police
  22. Merseyside Police[1]
  23. Metropolitan Police Service
  24. Norfolk Constabulary
  25. Northamptonshire Police
  26. Northumbria Police
  27. North Yorkshire Police
  28. Nottinghamshire Police
  29. South Yorkshire Police
  30. Staffordshire Police[2]
  31. Suffolk Constabulary
  32. Surrey Police
  33. Sussex Police
  34. Thames Valley Police
  35. Warwickshire Police
  36. West Mercia Police[2]
  37. West Midlands Police[2]
  38. West Yorkshire Police
  39. Wiltshire Police

As of September 2020, the police forces in England had:[3]


  Police forces in Wales

  1. Dyfed-Powys Police (Heddlu Dyfed Powys)
  2. Gwent Police (Heddlu Gwent)
  3. North Wales Police (Heddlu Gogledd Cymru)
  4. South Wales Police (Heddlu De Cymru)

As of September 2020, the police forces in Wales have:[3]

Collaborative units

  • South East Counter Terrorism Unit
  • Thames Valley & Hampshire Joint Operations Unit
  • Surrey Police & Sussex Police Tactical Firearms, Operations Command and Roads Policing Unit
  • South West Counter Terrorism Unit
  • Dorset Police and Devon & Cornwall Police Strategic Alliance Unit
  • East Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit
  • Norfolk & Suffolk Roads Policing Unit
  • Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire Road Policing Unit
  • Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit
  • East Midlands Counter Terrorism Intelligence Unit
  • West Midlands Police Counter Terrorism Unit
  • Warwickshire Police and West Mercia Police Specialist Operations Unit
  • North West Counter Terrorism Unit
  • Cheshire Police & North Wales Police Alliance Armed Policing Unit
  • North East Counter Terrorism Unit
  • Durham and Cleveland Specialist Operations Unit
  • Welsh Extremism and Counter Terrorism Unit
  • Gwent Police & South Wales Police Joint Armed Response Unit

Please send your information toinfo@livingstones.ukthank you

As usual, we attach a pdf copy for sharing among those who are not so hot on the keyboards:

Active, Education, Financial, Unity


Recently, having made some progress through the jungle of Crown agent red tape, we have made some interesting discoveries.

We all keep reminding ourselves how the controllers seek to use our naivety for their mutual benefit, but what we now know is that, although we are told at the tender age of 16 that our National Insurance numbers are now available, to prepare us for the ‘grown-up’ working world,


and the Crown Copyright has apparently been using those numbers and our birth-weight to trade us as THINGS, PERSONS, COMPANIES, for commercial gain for the previous SIXTEEN years without any disclosure to the mother or father.

There’s more; even after we have popped our clogs, our false LEGAL FICTION identity continues to be traded for commerce. If you look in any cemetery, all the gravestones, certainly post 1933, always show the ‘name’ of the deceased in CAPITAL LETTERS.

In fact, we have been able to find the date on which these ‘bonds’ typically expire, and it is MILLENNIA after we, the living beings, are gone – a Lapse Date on one such bond is shown as 01.01.9999 – yes, that’s the best part of 10,000 years further commercial activity before someone will decide enough has been accredited, or a new, even more devious scheme will have been developed, ensuring that the ‘haves’ will never cease to benefit from the blood, sweat and tears of the ‘have-nots’.

In our book that is massive fraud, and, if WE dared to do it, we’d likely be chained to the walls of the Tower. So, are we feeling brave enough to make a change or two in this blessed England? Surely there are a few good men and women about who CAN handle the truth?

Do feel free to contact us if you need more detailed information, in the words of the song,

“we’ve gotta get out of this place, if it’s the last thing we ever do…”

Meditation, Spiritual, Unity

GOD is a plural being

Is it a small thing in your eyes to be loved by the God(head) – to be the son, the spouse, the love, the delight of the King of glory?

Fellow believer, grasp this, and think about it:

you will be eternally embraced in the arms of that love which is from everlasting, and will extend to everlasting-

think of the power (dynamis) which brought the Son of God’s love (agape) from heaven to earth, from earth to the cross, from the cross to the grave, from the grave to glory – that powerful love which was weary, hungry, tempted, scorned, scourged, which fasted, prayed, taught, healed, wept , which was buffeted, spat upon, crucified, pierced -, sweated, bled, died – and rose again. That love will eternally embrace you.

Richard Baxter (1615-1691)

Common Law, Constitutional, Democracy, Unity


Hey-up!!, somebody’s after changin  t’way our cities and towns across England are gonna work in’t near future, and our town Huddersfield seems to be on’t ‘hit list’.

Well, we don’t want their 15-minute nonsense here. Take a look at this flyer.

We intend to say a big fat NO!! – and we’re meeting in the centre of town.

Saturday 29th April 2023 on New Street – around 12 Noon.

If you really ARE our friends and co-workers, please do come, stand with us on this date, to show that we are not putting up with this treatment – not for a moment, never mind 15 minutes.

Please let your contacts know, bring as many as possible and let us know you are coming – by email to

Think on, bring banners, bring placards, bring White Rose flags, bring gongs and drums, just make sure you’re here on

Saturday 29th April 2023 on New Street – around High Noon.

5G, Corporate, Financial

“Keep your eyeball peeled”!!

On 16th February 2023, having asked for a SIM card from SMARTY on a brand-new ‘account’, I was sent a 5G SIM. I contacted them to ask for a 2 or 3G SIM, and I sent to the ‘chat’ person (Yash) some pictures of the handset in which I wanted to use their SIM card.

Yash confirmed that their SIM card was not suitable for such a handset, and he would close the account.

Today, 17th  March 2023 I receive an email (see below) from SMARTY, confirming that they have taken the due monthly payment (doesn’t state how much was taken, nor from where) and that the debits will ‘auto-occur’ monthly around the 16th/17th of the month.

You’re all good for another month
Hi grant-andrew,
Just to confirm, payment for your plan has gone through. Your plan will renew again on 17-04-2023.
The SMARTY team

I contact ‘Sohail’ via their ‘Chat’ box and I say..

“I notice that I have been debited for an account which was CLOSED one month ago. The allocated number (never used) was 07481 004813 but the SIM I requested was to be 3G and SMARTY could not offer such a SIM for a Bea-fon. We spoke to someone named ‘Yash’? and sent him pictures of the handset, and he confirmed that the account would be CLOSED. Please arrange for any funds debited after 16.02.23 to be refunded”

Sohail goes off air to check, comes back to me and says:

I’ve successfully turned Off the auto renewing payments from my end, your future payments has been stopped now and the account will also be Suspended. Also, I’ve refunded you the payment from my end and you should get it within next 3-5 business days

Yes, it will be closed from our end. Be assured – timed at 10.54am

Meanwhile, as this ‘conversation’ is happening with ‘Sohail’,I receive the following from SMARTY via email..

Hi grant-andrew,
Just to confirm, you’ve turned off the recurring payment option on your account.
Your plan is due to renew on 17-04-2023, so if you’d like to stay with us next month, you’ll either have to turn recurring payment back on or submit payment details on or after 17-04-2023.
The SMARTY team – timed at 10.49am

Which is why we know that ‘accounts’ are not what we should be having. These actions are occurring in all ‘corporate’ organizations, just another example as to how we are ALL being regarded as ‘things’ by which profit is commercially generated.

Keep you eyeball peeled!!

Financial, Unity

Stones unite as Bank falls apart

Those of us who know what is REALLY happening in our land will not be surprised to hear that the Silicon Valley Bank, in Santa Clara, California, has collapsed.:

This was the post on Wikipedia today 11th.

‘On March 10, 2023, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) closed after a bank run, causing the largest bank failure since the 2008 financial crisis and the second-largest in U.S. history. Reuters reported that, as of the end of 2022, some 89 percent of its US$175 billion in deposit liabilities were not covered by federal deposit insurance’.

As this was being reported today, a select group of lively stones were assembling, preparing for the days ahead and learning the ropes for standing strong against the winds of adversity:

Common Law, Constitutional, Democracy, Magna Carta 1215, Tyrannical

‘Too big for their boots’??

‘We note the following statement on the present website of the Crown agents, acting as our present ‘government’

Parliamentary sovereignty is a principle of the UK constitution. It makes Parliament the supreme legal authority in the UK, which can create or end any law. Generally, the courts cannot overrule its legislation and no Parliament can pass laws that future Parliaments cannot change. Parliamentary sovereignty is the most important part of the UK constitution.

We believe this assertion to be treasonous: it should be countered by us, the people, who have naively been selecting the 650-odd incumbents for those green benches for generations.

Those of us who still have faith in our common law position, and the constitution which has been based upon common law, must now do something about this…

With a hat-tip to Martin Geddes for tackling this crime head-on. Please consider supporting his work and co-ordinate thought and action via ‘Truth Social’ at

Globalist, Spiritual

Sometimes truth is inconvenient

I am not a ‘bible-basher’, but I do refer to it on a daily basis, as I have found it to be a pretty reliable ‘guide book’ on my journey through this vale of tears.

This morning I woke up around 05.30, the January night had been its’ usual uninteresting self, and the earlier part of sleep had taken me back to one of my final workdays within the London Met Police system, in 1974.

At that time, I was attached to CO.C13 in the ‘previous’ New Scotland Yard building, and we had that day received two officers from the other side of the ‘pond’ to collect and return home with some female miscreant.

During the preparations inside our office space, we fell to discussing and comparing notes between what they as LEOs felt and admired about our rather quaint policing methods as compared with theirs. I made a general comment that ‘crime is crime whatever way the criminals try to dress it up’ and the male officer suddenly responded, unexpectedly in German, with a quote from the bible –:

‘Das Bett ist zu kurz und die Decke zu schmal‘

which translates as ‘the bed is too short and the blanket too narrow’. I guess this was his way of saying that even the best-prepared criminal conspiracies often leave a bit of a loose end, which detectives are tasked to catch and unravel to find the truth.

So, early this morning, finding the original text, in the book by Isaiah [28: 14-22],I read through the relevant passage, and it might be good for all of us to take courage and inspiration from what we read there.

In summary, the prophet is warning both segments of the then dis-united nation, (Jacob’s smaller segment and Israel’s larger part), that the plans of the ‘cynics’, who thought that they had made a covenant with the enemy [ Hebrew ha-satan] to scoff at faith and to embrace death and hell as allies, to scourge the land, had reckoned without including the Sovereign in their equation.

This seems very apposite to our present-day situation where the tiny gaggle of oligarchs with their untold zillions are plotting to decimate world population, to corral the remainder of the people, destroy small to medium enterprise and keep all the minions muted as they go on to rule this world. We, the people of faith are placing our trust in Truth and know that the Light shines better in darkness and the darkness can never put it out.

Look particularly at verse 16 of this passage – re a stone which (at that point in time ‘was to be, now) ‘has been’ laid in Zion (no reference here to sectarian zionism) on which the best-laid conspiracies shall founder.

Look and read it several times over and take heart that ‘greater is He that it is in you than he which is in the world’ dark system.

Sincerely yours in faith      :grant-andrew  Huddersfield                   06.01.2023

Common Law, Education, Financial, Spiritual


This ‘trust’ arrangement is new to us – aren’t they plentiful just lately? We would value any comments, positive or negative, which will help us to evaluate the ‘bona fide’ of the Universal Law Community Trust.

Welcome to the Universal Law Community Trust. We stand for Law and it is in Law that we communally Trust. We are a collective of indefinable family Trusts of secured parties that are un a lien able, literally, a lien cannot be attached to our beneficiaries. Meaning, we cannot be alienated from our inherent rights. Rights are not privileges to be licensed back when we pay rent for them: rights are not granted, they are inherent in you. We were created by the people of the people and for the people, as our previous trustees, ( the government) became corporate entities and in doing so made themselves untrustworthy. A corporation cannot hold assets in Trust because by very definition they aren’t a Trust any longer. By default every living thing is a part of the Universal Law Community by its very being. Universal Law is written in the DNA, it is what a heart cell resonates to and what you are centred around. You already are in the Universal Community and every single one of your trillions of cells is governed by the Universal Law, its just that due to indoctrination of fiction and the “adding” to that Law that we find in “ad-ministrative” codes called “legal systems” we lost our Trust, literally. We lost our Trust in ourselves mostly by adopting a system of legal jargon, fiction and commerce and calling it Law.

Create a Kindness Credit Account

Steps 1 and 2

Make a proton email address.

(to create one of those go to Download the Kindness Credit Claim Form ( top left of this pages header )

Add the following to the KC claim

  • Add the legal fiction title you kept using till now.
  • Add postcode and house number for your council tax to be discharged
  • Add the amount for each utility or debt you are discharging ( this forms the financial logic for later)
  • Add what your five hours a week is to “back” your Kindness exchange with, where when and what to be included in the offer.
  • Attach to a proton email and send to
  • You will be sent back a KC account number and Trust exemplification roll number
  • Slave Token Conversion :
  • Deposit 10% of the monthly amount saved into your KC account : this credits the Kindness Credits Community Credits and builds your community by supporting Peoples Protection Patrols ( Apporhito) and BBAM
  • ( Big Blue Asset Management)
  • Making sure you add your KC account as reference
  • You then receive your welcome pack and assignment
  • Using the Assignment and Warranty card
  • You then print off the Assignment of consent and thumbprint it in red ink, that will be included in your welcome pack.
  • you serve it on all agents of administrative systems, recording the proof of delivery as certificate of service.
  • Whenever your asked for ID you produce the Emoven card, this reserves our rights and prevents the claim that you failed to ID yourself being laid.
  • Moving my assets into my trust
  • Your trust is made by you in completing these deeds
  • You can now use your right of use of your property as collateral to offset the debt you were presumed to be consenting to make by paying for those things that are already yours.
  • You prevent capitalism from being consented to being committed on your rights
  • Slave tokens conversion to build communities :
  • You credit your KC account to broker your credit to discharge the debts owed by HM GOVT to Universal Law and use your right of use as a settlement
  • Discharging mortgages at 1% of the redemption amount to fund your Community Chest
  • Discharging multiple mortgages 3% of redemption converted into KC to build your communities through


The ULC Trust separates legal and fiction from Law and Fact. The name you were given at birth is capitalised – the terms having not been disclosed to your parents when they registered your arrival. We place your name under our own Non Disclosure when you Assign the Consent via the We Buy Any Debt site. (see button) Your details are placed under ULC Trust Non Disclosure, any unlicensed or unauthorised use creates a debt to Kindness via the creation of a Kindness Credit Account through which the debt is settled. Credits of Kindness are “loaned” to the party creating the delict or tort and this action on their part against you creates a Consuming of My Credit Agreement (CCA) to be agreed to by the usage of the credit file that is attached to the capitalised version of your given name. This gives you back your Equity which was stolen by the Vatican. In other words, we prosecute them for using something that is not theirs and for forcing their commercial code upon living beings. See Maritime Law – you are treated like a ship that can be “lost at sea”.

Anyone attempting to get you to incriminate yourself – by forcing you to commit fraud by using a name that was copyrighted by the system they represent – are criminals… don’t be one yourself. Aiding and abetting a criminal act is a crime and those responsible for it are obligated to be arrested. Should a policy enforcer attempt to get you to commit fraud by having you lay a claim to a copyrighted name belonging to the Crown or other corporations masquerading as Governments then you are obliged to use reasonable force to prevent a crime from being enacted.

None of the procedure regarding the Birth Certificate was done with your consent or autographed by you, in fact, all contracts created from the capitalised version of the given name are fraud, as the terms and conditions of the creation of the birth certificate bonding system were not disclosed to your parents. No party can contract on your behalf, and you couldn’t even hold a pen at 42 days old. You have been assuming the role as a Vatican Debtor since you were born over the time that you use that name you are committing fraud, as the name is not yours to use: it was copyrighted by the Crown and every time you use it, you move from the realms of Law and Truth and step into the land of fiction where administrative codes and courts take over the jurisdiction of that fraud. Hence you inherit all of the liabilities, ‘he who holds title holds the liability’. Here at ULCT we hold the Title while you enjoy your rights of use free from penalty liens and levies, which are only payable if you are in commerce. ULC Trust removes the false presumption that you are always in commerce.

Just one sentence is all you need know ” If i take your name and use it to commit a contract without your consent . what is that? ” FRAUD …”so, if a corporate system takes my name and uses it to create a contract, what is that?” FRAUD on an international scale. It is also operating a slavery system. Now you have a choice… Reserve your rights using UCC 308not obliged to perform under a contract which i did not knowingly enter into’.


When you have considered and accepted that the legal fiction you have been crediting is not yours and realise that you have assigned it in the contact box at the bottom of this page, you will be assigned a Kindness Credit Account, ONLY if you have included a proton email address for us to send the Kindness Credit Account information to.

When you have received the proton email confirming you have activated a Kindness Credit Account and have an Assignment of Consent and Welcome pack, please follow the steps below:

  1. The Assignment of Consent (aka Transfer of Liability) is to be printed off and thumb printed in red ink
  2. You then send this recorded delivery to the corporations who were implying that your consent belonged to them (e.g. Rolls Building, Police, Courts, Debt recovery companies)
  3. You keep a ledger book roll, entering the date, the company name you sent the deed to, and the date it was received by them
  4. You call the Utilities, the council and tell them that you are ‘Minister Emoven’ and that you are the liability holder at that address for the supply/ charges
  5. Let us know when you have completed that process, and we will then send our engineers to install Kindness Credits meters
  6. You go into your community and share those simple steps.

SERVICE  We Buy Any Debt

Here you will find how you transfer the Title into your family Trust, of which you are then the Executor instead of being the debtor to it. The ULC Trust then stands as Surety to all the accounts which you transfer, settling any accounts that were NOT created in fraud. All contracts incorporating the corporate name ARE fraud. Instead of you presenting a state of incapacity, that allows the requirements of external governance, our legal entity EMOVEN commits the commercial intercourse in your place. You retire your body from the corporate realms. Keeping fiction as fiction and rendering all claims on your corporate name as attempted theft, false claim –  see Theft Act 1978 for definition.

Success System that Never Fails:

The system which you have all been using all your life has been very successful. You know about Secured Party terms and the basics of our debt-based economy. ‘Don’t pay, they take it away’ right?! You also know that if collateral is secured and the debt remains unsettled then the Secured Party has a right to restore their rights, using the collateral : see Mortgage for details.

The only difference this time, with our structure, is that you are the Secured Party, NOT them, and the corporations who have accepted our charges in our Schedule A tariff, by implying commercial intercourse upon your private self, did not settle their debt. So, you, just as they have been doing, have a right to Restore Your Rights as the ‘creditor’, this time rendering the collateral,l once claimed by the corporations, as secured by the same “legal” definitions which they have used on you all this time.

This is where it gets rather interesting: The corporations depend on these definitions in order to appear real. Meaning when they state “you can’t buy debt, swap it for equity, secure accounts” they destroy their own standing. As you will see in Un Doc Ur Mente page, the evidence and testimony is there from those who smashed their own vessels, using their own CANON “laws”


Obviously, all claims need to be proven, but this in reverse. We cannot prove that something that is FICTION has suddenly obtained some “REALITY” to it. We are proving that the claims and assumptions that we have all been led to believe as REAL are false. So, instead of bringing truth to fiction, you are taking your fictional belief and discharging it using TRUTH. The charges which such a belief cost you are then settled. It is your mind which we are helping you to secure: Here (link below) are some of the results and deeds which we executed while rebutting the presumption, using Universal Law as our standing.

Ministering Queens Bench

Anyone enforcing COVID or attempting to claim against Minister Emoven is in Contempt of (their own) Court. See link below, where GWENT police secure themselves in the court when their contempt for their own standing is exemplified by Ministers who have been trained in the steps found on this site. These agents had previously assaulted the Emovens a month previously, before they had been trained in just exactly what the difference is between legal and lawful.


Have a look at the Timeline link below to save yourself having to start at the beginning of the journey out of Platano’s Cave when you do your assignment as a collective. We already did the hard work for you and your position is secured just by your assigning your consent back to yourself using the form below.


Meaning that you and your family considered their collateral, cannot be presumed to be ‘Bona Vacanta’ any longer. See this link –

You all know about a Removal of Goods / Control of Goods Notice served by bailiffs? Well, here the RCJ are being served with the Restoration of Rights Notice. The people in those buildings are illegal squatters. Rome ‘Squatting on Ellas’ has come to an end and now a Writ of eviction, from the Ministry of Remedy, issued under warrant of millions of creditors of Universal Law.

Join the Peoples Protection Patrol and apply yourselves:


Restore your rights:


By adopting Kindness Credits as your method of representing your energy you immediately make yourself an “unquantifiable commodity” the system, built on slavery token gestures of pounds of flesh and dollars et al, cannot process your priceless energy anymore.

Converting your energy from slave tokens to Kindness Credits means that no more debt can be made from each transaction for which you don’t use slave tokens.

By filing a Kindness Credit claim form for your liabilities, living costs and expenses, and using a secured part backed Promissory Note you can access your credits from your secured credit file to discharge any liabilities directly.

Send your comments please to: – all serious replies will be acknowledged.

Active, Common Law, Meditation, Spiritual

Community Assemblies of the British Isles

We regularly receive emails from John Gilbert, who is based in Cornwall, about the work they are doing, trying to establish groups of like-minded people across the UK (and some overseas countries too).

I am circulating this email update into the SITP groups in the hope that someone somewhere will actually go to meet these people in the county of Yorkshire and try to get groups set up across the county. There are email addresses and telephone numbers if you need them – just email to – –

Sincerely yours, grant andrew – Huddersfield

Re: Community Assemblies in the British Isles    Update for 3rd November 2022

I am putting this out to everyone so that the Facilitators will not have to pass this on.

The intensity of what we are doing is rising and so is our profile. Other organisations are adding their weight to the coalition which is the Community Assembly of the British Isles or affectionately known as CABI. There is a coming together and I have been talking to two other organisations this week. I understand that coalitions are not efficient, but we are all after the same end and so there is little to get in the way of achieving agreement.

The idea is to combine our resources so that our resistance is far more effective. Some of these collaborations are very informal but the English Assembly and London Assembly are already advertising CABI with their members and so we have a free exchange of information. When push comes to shove, we need as much weight as possible.

There are three sites in all. 

The London Assembly and all featured groups are in one location under:

We have some very dedicated people working with us and the hard work that they are putting in is paying off. We often have problems getting people to take up the role of Facilitator so here is a little information regarding the role of the Facilitator.

“It takes just three people who are willing to take on a Facilitator’s role to form a Community Assembly and the Facilitator’s role is not a taxing one as it really means that we have three people who are happy to keep the information flow going from us to local members and from local members to us. Some Facilitators do more in recruiting new members and forming new assemblies, but it is not part of the job description in that there is no pressure from us to do more than transmit information but, we are very grateful and supportive if more is done.

Forming a Community Assembly sends a strong signal to those who want to subjugate us that we no longer wish to play by their rules.  It is also perfectly lawful in that we have every right to form our own communities if the current system is no longer fit for purpose. The Bill of Rights 1688 set a precedent that when those governing are not fit for purpose the people can set up alternative governance being our ancient right and liberty.

Our ranks continue to swell and the number of visitors to our website is still increasing. In spite of a two week lull last month we still had 3112 visitors and over 6000 page views. Thanks to Nick Kitchen we had 156 visits from ‘Telegram’ and we are getting referrals from other organisations not previously mentioned. As a measure we had almost 1000 visits to our website in the first 4 days of this month. I have also had word that our model is being used in other countries and that is an achievement for which we can all be equally proud. A lot of dedicated people have contributed to our framework with their only reward being that others will use it.

We are resuming Zoom Meetings for the Facilitators again and we are also hoping to lay on a few information Zoom Meetings with ‘question and answer’ time set aside. The next zoom is for those members living in London and is hosted by Caroline Kelly and is scheduled for 7pm on Sunday 5th November ‘22 and the link is below.

Meeting ID: 836 0809 6164                        Passcode: 194937

The second zoom meeting is for Facilitators and is at 7pm on Wednesday 9th November and that link is here.

Meeting ID: 874 5925 1604                        Passcode: 864242

I have also started training people to release the spiritual frequencies of others and Nick Kitchen has been the first to start using this technique to great effect. There is a second person in Lancashire, and this should increase the availability of very high frequency people known as the Light Brigade or as the Aborigines call them the “Wayshowers”.

If you feel that you have high spiritual frequencies, are constantly driven to help others and feel that your energies are blocked, or you have recently started getting headaches then it could be a sign that your energies need a little TLC. 

Thank you to Lindsey, Jean and Robert for taking on Facilitator roles for Bedfordshire. I have now completed all the paperwork and it should appear on the website soon. There are another 17 assemblies awaiting confirmation of three facilitators. It doesn’t happen overnight and can be very frustrating for those who have volunteered and are having to wait but, it will happen eventually and yes, the frequencies did go up as soon as I had confirmation from all three Facilitators in Bedfordshire. I have also had a talk with Mimi, and she is going to set up a Community Assembly in Bedford. Way to go Bedfordshire.

Please hang in there, fight hard, never comply, be resilient, make our own reset happen and know that if we do it right there is a golden age ahead of us.

John Gilbert MD (AV), MHA, SAC Dip, FGAV, MBCS, MIET, C.Eng., LCGI.

Community Assembly of the British Isles, Community Light Brigade, Community Law Courts and Community Peace Service. 10 Orchard Park, Station Road, Bugle, The Duchy of Cornwall.  PL26 8NW 07742  927500 01726 851944

Financial, Globalist, Media, Political



Neelu Chaudhari Berry is the aunt of Rishi Sunak: this lady has been made homeless twice in a period of four years, due to the use against her of fake writs, fake warrant, fake bailiffs and fake ‘police officers’ doing private work in public uniforms whilst off duty.



Those of us who are able to support Neelu, please assemble tomorrow, Monday 31st October 2022 at 11am

all are invited.

“Please make a demand via 101 or 999 to the London

Metropolitan Police Commissioner,  Sir Mark Rowley,

Please contact The Mayor of London and Police Crime

                             Commissioner Sadiq Khan

Contact The Redbridge Borough Commander –  Stuart Bell

Contact Neelu’s Member of Parliament – Wes Streeting

And demand the return of my stolen home to me, Neelu Berry

at 11am on Monday 31 October 2022

This dwelling was stolen by fake alleged bailiffs, who had no legal or lawful warrant,  who did not identify themselves, yet were aided and abetted by Met Police officers PC FRAU AND PC HOLLAND 


By Underground

The nearest station is HAINAULT via NEWBURY PARK on the

CENTRAL LINE, it is a 7-minute walk to the venue

By Bus

take the 150 HAINAULT from CHADWELL HEATH  or


The raw footage exists of fake Met police officers who believe that they can aid and abet the theft of a home simply by having a belief that an alleged warrant exits. See items 1 to 4 at the end of this report..

Having that belief, they arrested the aunt of “Hostage” Prime(d) Minister, Rishi Sunak, who had previously been asked to help stop this process when Neelu’s first home was stolen, when Sunak was doing business as the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

The Bank of Scotland, trading as Halifax, part of Lloyds Banking Group, was criminally prosecuted for the same frauds in 2018, deeming any civil possession determinations in the civil courts, null and void.

(1) 19 October 2022 at 1pm
UK Police caught red handed stealing home of whistle-blower Aunt of Rishi Sunak, for the second time in four years

(2) Lloyds Banking Group Assassins, Police, bailiffs, all the  caught stealing home of Rishi Sunak’s elderly Aunt.

“UK was being run by Evil Satanic Networks using PMs + Cabinet as props”

(3) Neelu Berry’s Home stolen before 6am on 20 July 2018 by 22 Police officers, bailiffs, locksmiths, two dogs IG50JR
by Co-operative Bank t/a Britannia



With thanks in advance for your help and support: as usual, we append a pdf with the details of this action, for further circulation..

Neelu Berry

We at Living Stones fully support the efforts of Neelu Barry to regain possession of


“We are not a political party nor are we a religious cult; we are simply a group of living beings, flesh and blood, spiritually united in heart and soul. We stand as individuals yet built together under a common, natural law, which is shared by all, owned by none and which is superior to any statute. We each have a personal commitment, divinely inspired, to do no harm, to cause no loss to others, to commit no fraud and to keep the peace.”

Financial, Globalist, Medical, Tyrannical

MHPRA – Extracting the ‘P’

Why do they always leave out the ‘P’?

This group of conspirators want the public to believe that they have our best interests at heart.

The truth is that, for them, the ‘P’ is the most important of the five initials of their acronym name, but, friend, it does not even stand for Products in their agenda – it stands for PROFIT – vast profits every year.

There is no profit for these rogues in HEALTH, there is, however, vast PROFIT to be raked in from sickness.

We have inserted a link below, showing victim testimony – see just how much contempt these so-called ‘experts’ in the MHPRA have for the sick.

It was 1959 when we had a similar scenario. Does no-one remember ‘CONTERGAN’, the last untested medication which was foisted upon expectant women – the result was more than 10,000 infants, across 46 nations, all born with deformities. It was Harold Macmillan who held the poisoned chalice of ‘Prime(d) Minister at that time. No doubt, when the sordid facts became clear, there were the usual trite platitudes run out – about ‘lessons being learned’.

It appears that the latest ‘actors’ in the Westminster Theatre have learned nothing at all.

We are beginning to hear the sounds of pious disbelief as the reality of the overwhelming numbers of disabled and dead can no longer be hidden – oh dearie me, I might lose my ‘elite’ status and have to revert to being a lower-class mortal again.

Let’s keep focused on them and watch as they try to wriggle themselves out of this unholy horror show.

You may wish to SHARE this video. Don’t let the evil conspirators get away with it – no stone unturned until every one of them is exposed for their lies and profiteering.

As usual, we attach a pdf for those who wish to circulate the facts: